Research Proposal on Global Warming and Climate Change

Research Proposal on Global Warming and Climate Change

Hi, Proff

this is 3 pages(or 2 and a half) assignment

I need the first page( or half a page) today

the first page is( it doesn’t have to be a page half a page is alright) is about potential topic you would write about, I added a description in a word document

the second two pages is writing about the topic, I also added a word document for it

they should be separate in deferent word document.

you can use ebscohost or cq researcher or any other similar websites.


Answer preview……….

The topic I have chosen to research on is the impacts of global warming and climate change in America. I prefer this topic because global warming is a worldwide environmental issue that has raised concern in the contemporary society. It is of interest to me because everyone experiences it, and I have noted its effects from the different areas I have lived. Previously, I have done some research and reading about this issue to gain more understanding. Currently, what I know about this is that climate change is real since the earth’s global temperature is increasing and the warming trends are compelling……..

 APA 784 words

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