Resistance to Change

Resistance to Change

 MLA format
Post an explanation of a threat to internal validity and a threat to external validity in quantitative research. Next, explain a strategy to mitigate each of these threats. Then, identify a potential ethical issue in quantitative research and explain how it might influence design decisions. Finally, explain what it means for a research topic to be amenable to scientific study using a quantitative approach.

Be sure to support your Main Issue Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.

Preview of the Answer.
Internal validity refers to the interferences on approximate truth. The interferences are usually associated with casual relationships or cause-effects of the problem. Some threats are associated with the internal validity of the quantitative research. For instance, selection bias can interfere with results associated with internal validity. Poor selection of variables may result in invalid results. External validity is usually concerned about the generalization of inferences associated with scientific research, especially on experimental research.
333 Words
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