Describe the characteristics of an employee ideally suited for telecommuting. Explain.
respond to peer reviews
Subject: Infotech Import in a Strategy Plan
Part A – Discussion and responses
Describe the characteristics of an employee ideally suited for telecommuting. Explain.
What are some issues you might face while collaborating on a virtual team? How could you mitigate the negative impact of those challenges? Include other components discussed in Lecture 4.
A) Your initial post (400 -500 words) is due by Day 3 of Week 1 [need to submit before Wednesday Noon (today is Monday)]
B) You are required to respond to another 2 student’s post (minimum of 150 words)
APA formatting is required along with scholarly sources.
Part B – Weekly Journal
January 30, 2015: Tablets just got a lot more useful after Microsoft released the final versions of Office for Android, which followed a similar release on the iPad. http://www.
(1) Could tablets change how people do their work?
(2) Think of a specific job that would be changed to a large degree by using Office on the tablet rather than a laptop. How would that job be changed?
(3) Would a tablet provide an excellent tool for reengineering that job?
(4) Outline a possible new workflow that would be enabled to help make the job easier or more productive.References:
Pearlson, K., Saunders, C., Galletta, D. Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, 6th Edition. Burlington, MA: Wiley, 2016.
Pearlson, K., Saunders, C. Galletta, D. Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, 6th Edition. Burlington, MA: Wiley, 2016.
– I need help from tutor regarding how to work on this task, since am new to this, so that i can work for futures assignments with minor tutor help for writing and for making corrections to my work
Answer Preview……………..
Telecommuting employees requires communication skills for them to be able to execute their roles efficiently. An employee who cannot communicate effectively may affect the productivity of the firm. The other important trait is conflict-solving skills. Every workplace is associated with some conflict, every employee requires conflict resolution skills, and the case is the same for telecommuting firms. The primary challenge that arises from the virtual team is a conflict,…………………
APA 234 words