review and critique each other’s final Critical Assignment and reflect on their own learning of key course concepts and theories.

review and critique each other’s final Critical Assignment and reflect on their own learning of key course concepts and theories.

In the final week of the course, students will review and critique each other’s final Critical Assignment and reflect on their own learning of key course concepts and theories. This review will provide an opportunity for inter-sector benchmarking, and reinforce the key course concepts.


  1. Post your completed paper here as soon as you turn it in. (Due Week 7, Day 7)
  2. Select a peer’s paper to review. It’s best if you can reply to the post, as soon as possible, letting the person and the class know that you have selected their paper. After careful examination of your peer’s paper, make a post addressing the following criteria below. (Due Week 8, Day 3)

Initial Post: reflect on and discuss the following:

  1. Very concisely summarize the problem that the organization faced and the recommended solution (this is for the benefit of students whom will participate in the discussion, but not have read the paper.)
  2. Discuss if you were surprised by problem that the organization discussed in the paper faced? Was it unexpected or surprising to you? -If so explain how or why it was unexpected or surprising? If it was not surprising to you, have you ever observed or experienced a similar hardship? -Explain why might this challenge might be common in other organizations?
  3. What is one specific strategy or lesson (take-away) that you might be able to apply to your own leadership style and/or in your own organization. This can be a concrete strategy or a precaution to be taken.
  4. Reply to the debriefs of at least 2 classmates.

Introspection and Peer Debrief Rubric


In the final week of the course, students will review and critically examine each other’s final Critical Assignment and reflect on their own learning of key course concepts and theories. This review will provide an opportunity for benchmarking, and reinforce the key course concepts.


Levels of Achievement
Initial Peer Review Post

Weight 40.00%

90.00 to 100.00 %

The initial reflection post is fully developed, thoroughly and directly addresses all assignment requirements. Demonstrates clear evidence of understanding of the relevance of the peer paper selected for review.

80.00 to 89.00 %

The initial post is adequately developed, analysis of requirements sufficiently addresses. Sufficient demonstration of understanding of the relevance of the peer paper selected for review.

70.00 to 79.00 %

The initial post is vague and/or minimally developed, and/or does not sufficiently demonstrate evidence of understanding the peer paper selected for review.

Critical Analysis of Application of Concepts to self, organization, industry-sector

Weight 20.00%

90.00 to 100.00 %

Exemplary critical thinking and analysis of the application of concepts, posits new ideas, or questions accepted conventions. Clear evidence of examination of nuances and dynamics that are unique to own leadership, specific organization behavior, and/or specific industry-sector(s).

80.00 to 89.00 %

Some critical thinking and insight demonstrated. Adequate application of relevance of concepts to own leadership, own organization, and/or specific industry sector(s).

70.00 to 79.00 %

Minimal or vague examination of the application of concepts to own leadership, own organization, and/or industry sector(s). Lacks evidence of understanding particular nuances and dynamics of self, organization, and/or industry.

Discussion Participation Debrief

Weight 25.00%

90.00 to 100.00 %

Two or more timely, substantive, fully developed, insightful, engagement with classmates. Responses build on the conversation and prompt further discussion.

80.00 to 89.00 %

Participation is on-time At least two timely posts. One or more replies to classmates may be brief, under-developed or superficial, not adequately substantive.

70.00 to 79.00 %

Initial post is tardy 1 or more days. Does not reply to the required two classmates by due date, and/or the replies are brief, unsubstantive, or irrelevant to the discussion. Replies are overly agreeable and do not prompt further discussion.

Writing & APA

Weight 15.00%

90.00 to 100.00 %

Participation posts are all well-written, meeting or exceeding appropriate graduate-level academic writing requirements. Assertions are consistently supported with academically appropriate required and supplementary sources. Consistently adheres to all APA citation and reference requirements.

80.00 to 89.00 %

Participation posts are all adequately written adequately meeting appropriate graduate-level academic writing requirements. Typos or errors are minimal and infrequent. Assertions are mostly supported with appropriate required sources. Mostly adheres to APA citation and reference requirements.

70.00 to 79.00 %

One or more posts contains numerous typos, grammar, or syntax errors. Writing and analysis is difficult to understand. Overall, fragmented, or not understandable. Lacks citation and/or references.

Requirements: 300 words


both of the class members papers are attached.

Subject: Management

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