Risks of Psychiatric Disorders in Family Caregiver of Cancer Patients

Risks of Psychiatric Disorders in Family Caregiver of Cancer Patients

-This literature review (five to seven pages, not including title page and references) should explore psychological ideas and include five primary references

*********-PAPER TOPIC= When should we start to care for the cancer caregiver? Taking a look at their supportive needs and risks for psychiatric disorders.

-focus more on the CAREGIVER and less on the cancer!

-ONLY the 5 included sources below can be used

-MUST follow rubric

-Subheadings (example= title on page 2, references, and at least 2 others in your paper)

– you should NOT have a heading per paragraph

-Be sure you are giving credit for each point taken from a source.(When in doubt, cite)

-If more than 1 source provides that same information DO NOT repeat the information Present the information 1 time and cite all of your sources

Be sure you are using your own words.


It is better to put everything in your words!!

Replace phrase like the authors, the book, the article … with the author and year.

EVERY TIME you use the author’s name, you MUST include the year.

– If primary source only identifies 1 source as for the information, then give credit

to the authors of that source but in place of the year, identify the source

where you obtained the information.

– If the primary source identifies several sources, then simply reference your

primary source because this is their consolidation of the information


Outline format:

-In box form

-4 sections= Introduction,Premise 1, =Premise 2,Premise 3,Conclusion

*Must have same colors as attached image




Area Criteria
Pages 5-6 pages of text (not including cover or reference page)

-5 points (5%) for each ½ pageless than 5 or more than 7

numbered flush right and in Times New Roman 12
Margins 1 inch on each side (including running head)
Running head Present, proper use of CAPS, flush left, Phrase “Running head” only appears on first page, shorter than paper title, less than 50 characters,
Title Page Present & includes the following in the upper ½ of the page:

title, student ID#, University Affiliation, Professor, Course, Term

Title less than 15 words. Title is repeated at start of actual paper.

Headers Minimum number of subheadings are present and are in correct APA format/levels
Font Double spaced, Times New Roman (size 12), no extra spaces between paragraphs



References cited in text appropriately,

Appropriate use of names (No 1st names, no salutations, no university affiliations)

No title (journal, article, book, etc.) used in text

Quotes –maximum 1 quote not more than 3 lines

-5 points for each additional quote

All references on reference page are cited in text and all text citations present on reference page
References list present and in correct APA format – Double spaced, hanging indents, doi, heading References is not in bold
Minimum of 5 references (beyond class texts); Maximum 7 references
3 research studies minimum from psychology related journals
No references older the last 10 year (from the 5 primary sources)
Writing There is a clear introduction, including research question/thesis,

Research question is capable to being adequately addressed in page limits

Literature used is related to Research Question/Thesis and connections are made to human thought/behavior
Logical organization to paper – Appropriate use of Subheadings

Information under subheading is related to the subheading

Main Points in review of literature are clear

Information is directly presented (no statements like … the study talks about X)

Statements are supported (cite information as needed and provide sufficient detail to understand how conclusions were made)
Information from sources is integrated (NOT presented in author/author order),
Conclusion is clear, well supported, follows from the information presented
Results/Findings discussed without statistics
Displays objective, unbiased, impartial attitude and tone. Limits use of first person. No personal stories
Ideas are not repeated multiple times within the paper (MLA structure not used, using phrases like “as stated earlier”)
Grammar, spelling, and usage (no problems): no contractions, does not start sentences with quote marks, acronyms or number, awkward phrase, word choice
Pronouns – no 2nd person, no 1st person to reference society, noun-pronoun agreement
Paragraph structure/ length is correct
Tense – information from studies already completed are discussed in past tense




Governors State University

Masters Psychology



Here is the outline format –  see attached image

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apa 2076 words

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