select a case of your choice in the textbook – you may choose from cases 6-33

select a case of your choice in the textbook – you may choose from cases 6-33

Case Analysis

select a case of your choice in the textbook – you may choose from cases 6-33

write a three-page, double-spaced case
analysis following this framework:

Issue/Problem Identification
• What are the central facts of the case
• What are the major overriding issues in this case
• What sub-issues or related issues are present in the case that merit consideration, discussion,
or action

Stakeholder Analysis and Management Evaluation
• Who are the stakeholders in this case and what are their stakes
• Evaluate the central management decisions and their effectiveness

Recommendations and Implementation
• What management recommendations would you make in this case
• Provide alternatives – now, short-term, long-term
• Identify and discuss any important implementation considerations

Requirements: 3 pages

Subject: Marketing

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