Select one (or more) of the Federal issues in which the American Diabetes Association (ADA) is asking you to act upon.

Health Care Disparities and Advocacy

Part 1- Read

  • Racial and Ethnic Health Care Disparities

J As you read the article select one or more of the areas and learn more about by reading one of the articles linked. Write about which area you selected and state which of the articles you read, and what you found useful in them. I welcome you to comment of your learning process, as well.

Part 2-

Explore the following site of the American Diabetes Association and get involved in ADVOCACY

As a Pharmacist and future Pharmacist, and now that you have some clinical knowledge and health disparities knowledge you are ready to get involve in advocacy.

Advocacy and participation in policy formulation is one of the strategies that you can use to address disparities.

J Browse and explore the following diabetes advocacy sites (GENERAL) (ACTION SITE). From this site select and issue to complete the assignment explained below.

Select one (or more) of the Federal issues in which the American Diabetes Association (ADA) is asking you to act upon.

Participate in the selected issue by writing a letter. Use the format provided in the ADA website to write your letter. When you PERSONALIZE YOUR RESPONSE, use the knowledge that you have acquired in this course to frame it as a health disparity issue using the concepts you have learned in the readings.

It is good idea if you identify yourself as a pharmacist in training and provide your clinical knowledge. If applicable, share any personal experience with diabetes. Try to be passionate, assertive and professional in your arguments.

Part 3-

Write a brief reflection of what you thought of this assignment (the letter)


Subject: Health & Medical



As you can see this question has three parts

1- Reflection about the first reading

2- letter ( for this part please do not submit the letter in the website instead send it to me)

3- reflection about the letter activity


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