Select the 3 countries and explain why you selected them.
Select the 3 countries and explain why you selected them.
3 Page Paper – You have been hired by local company Labconco (an actual company) that is thinking about expanding into the international arena. They have asked you to research the idea and find 3 countries that you believe that they should go into to.
So, your paper needs to have sections on the following…
- Labconco products – to show you understand what they do.
- What are their competitors doing in regards to overseas sales – particularly look at HEMCO corporation.
- Have they made inroads into the international market yet?
- Select the 3 countries and explain why you selected them.
- Are there any products that you feel would be particularly good to export? Also, are there other products that may need to be developed that would be good? Think HEMCO.
- Once you have selected the countries, how do you propose to get the word out there about your company?
1 Point Extra Credit – Where Am I on the HEMCO website? Hint, it is a picture.
Subject: Marketing
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