As discussed in Workshop One, self-awareness and a commitment to ongoing personal reflection are important components of ethical and effective social work practice
As discussed in Workshop One, self-awareness and a commitment to ongoing personal reflection are important components of ethical and effective social work practice
As discussed in Workshop One, self-awareness and a commitment to ongoing personal reflection are important components of ethical and effective social work practice. In particular, new social workers must reflect regularly on experiences of their own upbringing and family. There are many opportunities to empathize with and relate to families in a way that is beneficial to their experience, but there are also chances to be triggered in a way that is distracting or even detrimental to the client experience. For this reason, it is important to be conscious of your own identity and background and to anticipate potential triggers. Similarly, it is important to be knowledgeable about your own culture as well as the cultural identities of your client population, which you will address in the next activity.
In this activity, you will reflect on your own familial and cultural experiences as they relate to psychoeducational approaches. Throughout the course, you are encouraged to consider and reflect on any current family and group interactions you have as a method to support your growth as a future social worker.
Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:
- Explore the impact diversity and difference have in shaping life in mezzo social work practice. (PO 2)
- Develop self-reflection and self-regulation to effectively manage the intersection of personal and professional values. (PO 1)
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