speak as if you are back in your clinical and explain each psychiatric medication to this person. Be sure to adjust your explanation for any age or cognitive consideration

speak as if you are back in your clinical and explain each psychiatric medication to this person. Be sure to adjust your explanation for any age or cognitive consideration

Please see the attached transcript and clinical write-up sample as well as the template.

Also, please fill the following information:

First, for each psychiatric medication the person is on, include the following information, as in the write up.

  • Each medication with brand name and generic name
  • Starting dose of the medication and dose at the time of visit if different
  • How the medication works in your own words
  • Whether the medication has FDA approval for this use
  • Classification
  • Any CYP450 interactions or considerations with this medication

Then, speak as if you are back in your clinical and explain each psychiatric medication to this person. Be sure to adjust your explanation for any age or cognitive consideration (such as to a child, teenager, or a person with a cognitive disability).


Subject: Masters Nursing

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