Start by describing the test generally. Then, systematically evaluate the test for each usefulness characteristic.
Start by describing the test generally. Then, systematically evaluate the test for each usefulness characteristic.
- Read Bachman and Palmer (1996) very carefully.
- Evaluate a test for test usefulness based on the principles presented in class and on the readings. Choose a differentexam from the one you looked at in Assignment 1. Evaluate if for each of the six categories. Again, 3 pages max., double-spaced, 1 in. margins & 12-point Times font.
Hints for writing assignment 2: Start by describing the test generally. Then, systematically evaluate the test for each usefulness characteristic. Define the quality and then apply it. You will again need to use the resources on the Internet to do this assignment (look for the Test Manuals or Handbooks). Choose a test that you can find information about it.
See sample papers, including the book chapter by Purpura (2004), for ideas on how to write this paper. Also, see the rubric we will use to assess your paper.
Requirements: 700
Hi, this is the similar assignment as the previous one you wrote for me. In the previous on, you wrote TOEFL, so this time please write something else. e.g: the IELTS, the TSE, the MELAB, or the Cambridge exams for young learners (see Appendix B for useful resources).
I have attached related readings, course ppt, and sample assignments above. And also rubric below, please take a look at it. Thank you.
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