Take a look at the following eGOVTcompanies

Take a look at the following eGOVTcompanies:

Google: sgs.com and public sector e-government solutions

Google: egov.com what we do (pay special attention to the site layout, design and standardization of its pages)

Google: radgov.com and empowering governments

Google: egovsol.com and eGovernment solutions

Questions:  Does anything stand out to you when you go to their career pages?  If something does standout, explain why?  If there’s something throwing you off about the career section explain what it is.

What are some of the common theme “solutions” that each company provides? eGov.com for example, what do you think the company prides themselves on?  Is it there self-funded model?  What does that even mean??

400 words
Reference and cite the above website sources
see purdue link below on how to cite wesbsites

preview of the answer..

  1. Does anything stand out to you when you go to their career pages?  If something does standout, explain why?  If there’s something throwing you off about the career section explain what it is.

The career page on RADgov is a fairly informative one even though it has not been standardized to html level for low bandwidth users. The color scheme is acceptable since the words are colored in such a way that it is easily visible to read the page even in highly illuminated settings. The design in both eGovernment solutions and RADgov is  pragmatic in the sense that all communication channels have been indicated on the page. However, the career page is not entirely clear. The page is not standardized to the extent of easy and cursory perusal. The career opportunities are not specifically mentioned and this is not …

543 words APA

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