The Constitution
Read the Constitution as if you were a slaveholder in 1789. What parts of
> the constitution do you like or dislike? Would you have supported the
> constitutions ratification?
> “I want you to read it as if you were a slaveholder in 1789. What parts of
> the Constitution do you like or dislike? Would you have supported the
> Constitutions’ ratification?”
> 1 page MAX
> constitution_transcript.html
preview of the answer..
The part of the constitution that is interesting is section eight. The Congress is given Power to lay down the taxes and collect Taxes, as well as, Duties. They would impose Imposts and Excises besides paying the Debts that provide for the primary defense. The money collected would contribute to the general welfare of the citizen of the United States. The best part of the exercise is that the duties, Excises and Imposts are made to be uniform and equal throughout the United States. They would borrow on credit on behalf of the United States. The congress would also regulate commerce between the state and with other foreign Nations. They would establish …
294 words APA