The fall of Detroit
The fall of Detroit
How can Detroit be saved. Based on the readings and other research, explore why you believe the city of Detroit can arise from the ashes of torched homes and vacant lots to once again be a great and thriving city. Discuss what changes can vastly improve it now and for the future. Use the readings to provide 3 or 4 ways Detroit can be revitalized and transformed. What is your story about Detroit? There is a national view on Detroit and that is one of a greedy, violent city getting what it deserves. This view ignores the people and the struggles and joys of living in the city. If you are a Detroit native, or if you have memories of visiting Detroit as a child, I would like you to write about it in an essay. Focus your narrative. Try to tell us a story about life in Detroit and fill it with vivid detail. And, as always, tell the real story. I don’t need any sugarcoating.
Answer preview
The city of Detroit was once the largest city in the United States and its news of bankruptcy in 2013 only restarted a conversation on why the city went bankrupt in the first place (Beyer, 2013). Sadly, most commentators only took the country down the memory lane trying to piece together the various shortcomings the city had experience on its way to the ultimate chopping board in 2013. Only a few respondents dared to put the facts on the table on the real causes of the problems that faced the city in the better part of the twentieth century and brought it to its knees……….
Word count :666 Words