The Lesson by Bambara

The Lesson by Bambara

  1. The Lesson by Bambara.pdf  Click here to read this text which is from an earlier RRA edition. What kind of social and economic injustice can you explore as you read? 

    Bambara questions from Rereading America.docx Click here to access the questions from Engaging the Text for this assignment.

    You need to develop a MEAL paragraph in response to each question and include a quote or paraphrase with text citation in each paragraph. ( See the youtube video posted to Weblinks for an explanation of using paraphrases and quotations in your writin

The Lesson by BambaraATT00001
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In this story, we see several incidences of economic and social injustice. Here, we see social injustice through Sylvia’s opaque responses to her teacher’s lesson, Miss Moore. When the class visits F.A.O., Sylvia becomes very angry, but she cannot tell the source of her anger. At the same time, she is unable to decide whether to direct her anger to the white people who she believe are to blame for the gap that exists between the rich and poor, Miss Moore, or her friend Sugar. The excursion allows Sylvia to witness the huge disparity between poor and rich Americans, an aspect that inspires her to continue working hard.
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