The Monroe Doctrine became one of the crucial foundations of American foreign policy over the next century

The Monroe Doctrine

The Monroe Doctrine became one of the crucial foundations of American foreign policy over the next century; what was the occasion for Monroe’s articulation of this doctrine, and what were the circumstances motivating its adoption?

What reasons were used by Monroe to justify this foreign policy pronouncement, and how do they relate to arguments made during the revolutionary and early republic periods?

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The Monroe Doctrine was a U.S. foreign policy that was opposed to European imperialism in the Americas beginning the year 1823. It basically stated that further actions by European colonialists to colonize any independent Not or South American states was not welcome and would be considered as an unfriendly act towards the United States. The Doctrine at the same time provided that the U.S. would acknowledge and not interfere with existing European protectorates and not interfere with European affairs (Herring, 2008). Two events inform the circumstances that led to the Doctrine. The Russian Czar declared all areas around the Pacific to be off-limits. Spain and France seemed likely to reassert European rule in South and Central America despite anti-European revolutions there. Britain wanted to join hands with the U.S. to keep off other European powers…

APA 361 words

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