Thesis Statement
> Your thesis statement will present a claim (that you will prove) and will
> set up the path of your paper.
> Using the thesis statement as your guide, you will then create a brief
> outline that will help to keep you on track as you write.
> The claim in a comparison/contrast essay is actually based on the opinion
> you have about which of two selected items is superior to the other. You
> will prove the claim by discussing three points that you will evaluate
> about both items.
> For example, an effective thesis statement for a comparison/contrast essay
> would be the following:
> Plastic bags are far superior to paper bags because they are
> water-resistant, malleable and versatile.
> You can see more excellent thesis statement examples that include an Essay
> Map on pages 41-42 (examples 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10).
> Keep in mind that the comparison/contrast essay is a research paper, not a
> personal essay. Include your thoughts and ideas in the essay, but by
> writing only in the objective, academic third person. Do not use first
> person (*I*, *me*, *my*, *us*, *we*) or second person (any form of *you*).
> Our Class Discussion should have helped you to decide which two items you
> would like to compare/contrast, as well as the three evaluative points you
> will use to prove your claim. The Week 9 Individual Work assignment
> worksheet will walk you step-by-step through developing your *thesis
> statement *and* basic outline*.