Think of a situation in which using a SWOT analysis could help you adapt to changes within the global business environment.
Think of a situation in which using a SWOT analysis could help you adapt to changes within the global business environment.
Question #1:
Think of a situation in which using a SWOT analysis could help you adapt to changes within the global business environment. How could you utilize Porter’s Five Forces or contingency leadership models within your own work environment to better align the needs of your organization with business strategies? Provide an example, either within your work environment or in society at-large, of when changing demographics or emerging technologies had an impact on the organization.
Question #2:
What specific assignments or learning activities from this course did you find particularly beneficial? What do you feel could’ve improved or added to your learning experience in this course?
this is the final for this course. Hoping if you have any questions we could work together on this one. On the second question if we could incorporate the southwest material/paper you did?
Requirements: however long it needs to be
Requirements: however long it needs to be
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