This paper should be two pages long and reflect your reactions and feelings about the play.

This paper should be two pages long and reflect your reactions and feelings about the play.

This paper should be two pages long and reflect your reactions and feelings about the play. I don’t want you to just write a detailed explanation of the story line. I want you to analyze the play based on the the following things to include in your paper. Please be honest. If you love, hate, or are indifferent about the play, then tell me but explain why you feel that way. Was it the acting, script, directing, costuming, etc.?

What to include in your paper?

Title of the play

The Playwright

The director

Where and when was it performed? (For live performance only)

What theatre company?

Types of comedy showcased: Satire, physical comedy, farce, etc

Basic plot (Not every detail, just the main points)

Main Characters (and who played them)


Period in which the play is set

Time over which the action takes place (Does the action transpire over just a couple of hours or does it take place over days, months or years?)

How is the play organized? One scene no intermission? Multiple scenes two intermissions, etc

Your opinions of the play:

What did you think of..,

The script

The acting

The costuming

The sets

The lighting

The theatre itself (If you can tell)

Note what stood out good or bad

What would you tell your best friend about this play? Is it a “must see”, a “must miss”, or somewhere in between?

What didn’t you understand about the play?

What would you have changed if you could?

Here is a link to the outline as well:

Requirements: 2pages   |   .doc file


please do a review on this

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