Time management paper
- Time management paper. Please go to the following URL,http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/naps/ , read, print off, and type a one page response about this article. Answer the following questions:
- How relevant is sleep to your PERSONAL Lifestyle?
- Are you getting enough?
- Draw a pie graph of a typical day in your life include all the time spent on each construct i.e. Sleep, eating, class time etc.,
- What overall information did you learn that may positively influence your use of time management?
For more clarification of this paper please see your lab instructor.
- Choose up to two (2) of the following people to interview. Each paper should be at least two (2) pages, typed and double-spaced.
- A health care professional (physician, nurse, nutritionist, personal trainer, massage therapist, acupuncturist, chiropractor, etc) – should focus on what they like or dislike about their job, how and why they started doing what they do, a description of their typical day, etc.
- An older adult (65+ years of age) – should focus on health care and insurance issues that are important to them him/her
- A cancer survivor – should focus on their experience, emotions, diagnosis, and treatment. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT HE/SHE IS IN REMISSION!
Preview of the answer..
Sleep is very important to my personal lifestyle, because of the things that I have set to achieve at the end of each day. First, there is school, whereby I need to be very alert and gain the best out of my lectures. When I get enough sleep I am able to achieve this. School time takes most of time during the day. Secondly, I have set some time aside for a sport activity, at least three times a week, between Monday and Saturday…
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