Topic 1 – Political Equality

Topic 1 – Political Equality

Democracy is an ideal. Political equality (one person, one vote) is one of the core values of American democracy. Theoretically, each person should have an equal chance at influencing the political process. Resources (money), however, can undermine the principle of political equality by giving some more opportunity to influence the process.

The link below is the Center for Responsive Politics. There is a wealth of information on this site regarding campaign contributions and campaign finance laws. You can find the amount your Congressman raised and spent in the 2010 election and the amount Political Action Committees (PACs) contributed in the last election.

Center for Responsive Politics


  1. Should all forms of campaign contributions to candidates for office at the national level be outlawed and replaced with a system of public financing of political campaigns with tax dollars out of the national treasury?
  1. As you see it, would such policy (public financing of political campaigns) move us closer to the ideal of democracy?
  2. refs and cite

preview of the answer..

Campaign finance reform in the United States seeks change the role of money in politics, particular in political campaigns (Garret, 2010). Campaign reform efforts started with the passage of The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) of 1971 and its subsequent amendment. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) of 2002 prohibited unregulated financing to national political campaigns and limited the corporate and union money to fund campaigns. However, the provisions of BCRA were held to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court decision of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. The According to, the U.S. presidential..

APA 301 words

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