Toulmin method

toulmin method

Please see attached for all instructions and an example of this type of essay (toulmin method). Also attached is the grading rubric. No plagiarism as everything is submitted through Turnitin. This for an Advanced Composition class. Grammar, structure, etc. is very important.

Everything’s an Argument textbook ( reference sections:

Chapter 16: Pages 367-382 “Academic Arguments” * Although not required, it is recommended you read the two sample essays at the end of this chapter · Chapter 7: Pages 123-151 “Structuring Arguments” *Pay CLOSE attention to the information about the Toulmi

n Argument 

Chapters 18-21: Pages 410-464 “Evaluating Sources” “ Using Sources” “Plagiarism and Academic Integrity” “Documenting Sources”


Proper MLA works cited guide:

Some examples:


Gillespie, Paula. The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Peer Tutoring. Boston: Allyn, 2000. Print.

Corresponding In-Text Citation: (Gillespie 33)


Bernstein, Mark. “10 Tips on Writing the Living Web.” A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites. A List Apart Mag., 16 Aug. 2002.

Web. 4 May 2009.

Corresponding In-Text Citation: (Bernstein) –notice that since this is an online source, there is no page number.


“Athelete’s Foot – Topic Overview.” WebMD. WebMD, 25 September 2014. Web. 6 July 2015.

Corresponding In-Text Citation: (“Athlete’s Foot”) — be aware that you have the option to shorten titles in your in-text citations, BUT you may not rearrange the words–just use the first one-three words in the article in the order in which they appear.

It’s that easy. It’s all about creating a properly formatted works cited entry. Here’s some more info on how to do so:

Use the MLA guide in our textbook or the Purdue OWL ( to identify which type of format is required for your particular kind of source. Keep in mind the format changes depending on a few factors, including whether the source has one author, more than three authors, or no author. Similarly, format changes depending on the type of source you’re using: an online article, a print book, etc.

If you plan to use one of the articles in our textbook as a source, be sure you use the “work in an anthology” format. If you’re using Stephanie Hanes’s article, for instance, Lunsford is not the author–Hanes is. So we wouldn’t put Lunsford’s name in the author spot of the entry. Instead, Hanes would come first, followed by the article title, followed by information about the book. Use the “work in an anthology” format on this page:

Finally, if you’re having trouble formatting the hanging indent that is required for works cited entries, watch this short and sweet YouTube video:

preview of the answer…

Food is an essential substance for the survival of all living things. Plants and animals depend on the nutrient derived from the food they consume to support the metabolic activities required for growth and performance of different types of tasks. Man as a higher animal requires food to support the complex biochemical processes that are interplay on a daily basis. Food is one of the basic needs in addition to clothing and shelter. In the United States, the agricultural sector is the biggest in terms of inputs and outputs of production because of this irreplaceable natural needs of its people. The growth experienced in the..

APA 911 words


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