Create a 12-15-slide PowerPoint presentation (20 minutes with 10 minutes Q & A) on the Triple Aim model, HIM, and health care reform for an audience that constitutes the general public. Include voice-over narration and speaker notes with slides.

APA Format

Grading Rubric Must Be Followed

Create a 12- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation on the Triple Aim model, HIM, and health care reform. Include voice-over narration and speaker notes with your presentation. Your presentation needs to be about 20 minutes in length with an additional 10 minutes for questions and answers. Be sure to address all of the following in your presentation:

  • Introduction and Opening (1 slide)
    • How can you open your presentation in a way that engages your audience? Consider some eye-opening statistics, a compelling quote, or a challenging question.
  • The Triple Aim Model (2 to 3 slides)
    • What is the Triple Aim?
    • What are its goals?
  • HIM and the Triple Aim (3 to 4 slides)
    • Why is the Triple Aim model relevant to the health information management workforce?
    • What is HIM’s role in the Triple Aim?
    • How specifically can HIM contribute to the Triple Aim’s goals?
  • The Affordable Care Act and the Triple Aim (3 to 4 slides)
    • In what ways does the ACA support the achievement of the Triple Aim’s goals?
    • In what ways does the ACA hinder the achievement of the Triple Aim’s goals?
    • How effectively does the ACA address all parts of the Triple Aim?
  • Closing (1 slide)
    • What are the one or two main ideas you would like your audience to take away from your presentation?
  • Q and A
    • Provide two starter questions with responses.

In your speaker notes, be sure to include specific examples to support the points you are making. You will also want to include citations and references to current, scholarly and/or authoritative sources.

Resources: U.S. Health Care System

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8 hours ago


him  The Triple Aim  and Health Care Reform

Answer preview…………

Do you know why Americans spends more on healthcare than citizens of other countries and gets less value?
As a matter of fact, the public health system of the country is ranked worst among the 11 developed countries in the world.
It is these reasons that made Congress to pass the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010.
However, the implementation of this legislation has not achieved the desired outcomes that are needed to reform the system.
Therefore, what can be done to establish a sustainable healthcare system that is affordable, efficient, and patient-centered?………

15 Slides

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