Two page history essay please don’t plagiarize Readings to Choose From for your ReadingResponse

Two page history essay please don’t plagiarize Readings to Choose From for your ReadingResponse

Two page history essay please don’t plagiarize Readings to Choose From for your ReadingResponse 2: (Choose 1 – you can read afurther selection or just the same selectionwe had for the reading previously)1) Peirce, Leslie, Morality Tales: Law and Genderin the Ottoman Court of Aintab, (Berkeley:University of California Press, 2003),2) Sajdi, Dana, The Barber of Damascus:Nouveau Literacy in the Eighteenth-Century.Ottoman Levant, (Stanford University Press).3) Can, Lale, Spiritual Subjects: Central AsianPilgrims and the Ottoman Hajj at the End ofEmpire, (Stanford University Press)4) Colley, Linda, The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: AWoman in World History, (Doubleday Books)Reading Response Papers and Final Paper:Every three weeks in the course, students arerequired to submit a 2-page reading responsepaper selecting a reading from those weeks

Requirements: 2 pages |   .doc file

Subject: History

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