Read the Union Carbide Corporation and Bhopal case that begins on page 384 of your Business, Government, and Society textbook

Lessons from the Union Carbide and Bhopal Incident


Read the Union Carbide Corporation and Bhopal case that begins on page 384 of your Business, Government, and Society textbook. In lieu of answering the questions that follow the case, you will respond to the prompt below;

Consider the concerns as described in this case and prepare a memorandum that addresses the concerns described below. Your memo should be completed in narrative form (you may use headings if you choose to do so for organizational purposes, but do not list your responses in bullet form). Maximum page length: 10 pages (double-spaced).

Identify all of the potential ethical issues you see (if any). Describe and analyze the implications of each issue, including who or what were affected by the company’s response. In identifying issues and addressing their implications, your discussion should be as comprehensive as possible—you should consider any economic, social, or ecological implications, as well as the potential impact at least two cultural differences you can identify.

Additionally, your analysis should thoroughly identify and discuss at least two potential courses of action that the company could have taken with respect to each issue you have discussed. Clearly demonstrate your reasoning process—identify and explain any ethical principles or arguments you are relying on; do not simply state unsupported conclusions.

If you choose to apply any approaches to ethical reasoning that you learned about in this course, clearly state what they are and how you are applying them to this case. Of the possible solutions you identified, which would you recommend that the company should have adopted as a resolution? Again, fully explain and justify your recommendations. Finally, explain how you would implement each solution you have recommended.

Standard for marking

  • Identifies the fact, ethical issues/dilemmas 20pts: Describes the ethical issues/dilemmas in detail, to include those beyond the obvious; identifies relevant facts
  • Considers & Identifies Stakeholders (both internal and external) 20pts: Identifies and prioritizes the impacts on all relevant stakeholders and their various perspectives; identifies who should be involved in the decision-making
  • Identifies and applies a models/frameworks of ethical analyses (e.g., Deontological) for each ethical issue 20pts: Identifies and applies a models and/or frameworks of ethical decision-making/analyses, and explains how these various models inform decision-making Note: Consequentialist (long term, short term, symbolic), Obligations, Virtue Ethics
  • Chooses a course of action/makes a recommendation Formulates 10pts: at least two courses of action; explains which option is best; and articulates a plan for implementing that decision;
  • Cultural Differences 10pts: Correctly identifies and explains at least TWO cultural differences
  • CSR 10pts: Identifies ecological, social, and economic factors in a business context and articulates their complexities.
  • Paragraph Construction/Organization 3pts: All paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence
  • Writing Mechanics 7pts: -Paper contains less than 2 errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling. -Language is clear and precise.


Answer Preview for the paper on “Union Carbide Corporation and Bhopal case”………………….

Ethical issues and Facts. Firstly, despite the calls by the government to move the industrial companies 15 miles from the human population, there was little success in moving the activities of the MIC plant to a further area as was designated by the government. On the contrary, the city administrator’s efforts to have the company move to a safer area led to his transfer to a different department, while the company remained at a location where it posed a significant danger to the people in the environment. Secondly, aware of the dangerous nature of the chemicals they produced at the plant, the management at the plant ought to have communicated…………………..

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