Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) Planning
Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) Planning
A substantive comment should be approximately 350 words or more.
Cite (2 or MORE) sources within your comment to support your statements.
Include at least a couple of references, properly formatted, not just a link.
Discussion: Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) Planning
Ever since 9/11 the federal government has stressed the need to plan for a terrorist incident involving a weapon of mass destruction (WMD). The key consequence regarding management planning issues for a WMD incident are medical and public health.
The four major components for a response to a WMD incident are threat assessment; emergency consultation; specialized technical assistance, and additional assets as needed from the federal and private sector. Response plans should address these components. Health response requires cooperation with all state and local health agencies including private health care providers.
- In your opinion, do you believe that the health component is adequately addressed in the planning for a WMD incident?
- Do you believe that States and local governments, including local health care facilities, will receive sufficient funding to adequately plan and prepare for such an incident?
Please reference your response and respond to at least one of your colleagues.
Module 1 – Background
Required Reading
Brookes, P. (2017). 64th Islamist terrorist plot since 9/11 shows the U.S. must combat radical Islamist threat. Heritage Foundation. Retrieved from http://www.heritage.org/
Department of Health and Human Services Disaster Behavioral Health Concept of Operations (2016). Retrieved from https://www.phe.gov/
Meeler, D. (n.d.). Five basic approaches to ethical decision-making. Retrieved from https://
Review of the Department’s preparation to respond to a WMD incident (2010), U.S. Department of Justice, I-2010-004. Retrieved from: http://www.justice.gov/
Schwab, A. and Beatley. T. (2020). Session 4: Ethics [PowerPoint Sides]. Retrieved from https://www.presentica.
The NGO Handbook (2012). Bureau of International Information Programs United States Department of State. Retrieved from https://static.america.
United States Government interagency domestic terrorism concept of operations plan (2001). Retrieved from: http://www.fas.org/irp/
Ziskin,L. and Harris, D. (2007). State health policy for terrorism preparedness. American Journal of Public Health, 97(9), 1583-8. Retrieved from Trident Online Library.
Required Websites
Emergency Planning at the Local Government Level. http://www.mrsc.org/
Emergency preparedness in response to terrorism. U.S.NRC. http://www.nrc.gov/
Emergency Response Plan, Ready.gov, DHS: https://www.ready.gov/
Emergency support function annexes. DHS: https://www.fema.gov/
FEMA. http://www.fema.org/ [
Requirements: Instructions Provided Above
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