What are some of the things IKEA is doing right to reach consumers in different markets?

What are some of the things IKEA is doing right to reach consumers in different markets?

Answering 5 questions on the study cases. I will be providing the cases

Requirements: one to two pages

1. What are some of the things IKEA is doing right to reach consumers in different markets? What else could it be doing?

2. IKEA has essentially changed the way people shop for furniture. Discuss the pros and cons of this strategy.

1. This chapter highlights how marketing efforts are different for B2B and B2C firms. As Nike and other manufacturers continue to expand into B2C channels, what are some differences in B2C and B2B behavior that might affect Nike’s approach to these channels?

2. What are some hurdles Nike may face as it expands its B2C business? Consider this question both internally, with new skills Nike needs to amass, and externally, with challenges it may face from its B2B channel partners.

3. What would be some negative consequences to consumers if all manufacturers sold only B2C and eliminated wholesaler-distributors who supply retail stores?

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consumers in different markets

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