what do you hope to show by applying the theory to your artifact/relationship/cultural experience?

what do you hope to show by applying the theory to your artifact/relationship/cultural experience?


Each outline must contain:

Description of the theoryMake sure to include all the parts of the theory – as we learned it in class – this means going back to the book and/or the lecture slides posted on Canvas (in-text APA citations needed)

Chosen artifactName of artifact/relationship/cultural experience

Description of the artifact:

***If you are choosing to analyze anartifact – a blog, film, television show, campaign, magazine/news story, etc.: (in-text APA citations)

The following information must be addressed & properly cited:

  • What is it?
  • When was it created?
  • By whom was it created? (author, director, etc.)
  • Who are the main characters?* (if a movie or TV show, include actors’ names)
  • What is the story line? Premise?*

*Assume your audience is not familiar with the artifact, so you must provide all relevant background information.

***If you are choosing to analyze a relationship, provide the backstory of the relationship: (no in-text APA citations needed)

  • The people involved
  • The development of the relationship
  • The dynamics of the relationship
  • The current state of the relationship

***If you are choosing to analyze a cultural experience, explain it: (no in-text APA citations needed)

  • The people involved
  • Where it took place
  • The happenings
  • Lesson(s) learned

How you plan on applying the theory to the artifactDescribe the parts of the theory you plan on applying to your artifact and what you hope to accomplish in your application. This is a preview of what you intend to do. Essentially, what do you hope to show by applying the theory to your artifact/relationship/cultural experience?

Each outline must include at least 2 sources (your book can count as one of the sources) and be cited using APA style format. Remember to include a reference page. Outlines will range from 1-2 pages.

If you do this correctly, you should:

  • Write the theory section as it will appear in your paper. This means providing a general overview of the theory as well as its relevant parts and explaining how these play out in the theory. Do not forget to include proper in-text citations.
  • Same goes for the artifact, relationship or cultural experience. Describe it as it will appear in your final paper. Include proper in-text citations if you selected an artifact.
  • I will edit the content of your outline and provide you with feedback. The idea is that you will later copy and paste these sections in your final paper (having taken into consideration my feedback).

Outline examples:

Outline example for a relationship (Links to an external site.)

Outline example for a TV show (Links to an external site.)

APA Style Guide Download APA Style Guide

After uploading your work on Canvas, share your Google Doc with comst11hybrid@gmail & make sure to give me the permission to edit. This way, I can give you feedback on the Google Doc. I need it by 10 am PT m. I’ve put 13 hours just so I can select tutor. If you’re bidding, you’ll have to send latest by 10 am PT. Can’t delay than that at all

Requirements: I need it within 10 hours. https://online.smc.edu/courses/49895/assignments/1073977


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The book




for theory You can choose any as per the instructions and the class


One theory is
culture, communication accommodation theory.

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what do you hope to show by applying the theoryapa 567 words

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