When there is a sudden increase in patients, how does staff assess who receives the limited resources?

When there is a sudden increase in patients, how does staff assess who receives the limited resources?

Nurse Ilana is about to go home after an eight-hour shift at a clinic in Port-de-Paix, Haiti. Just as she is about to leave, a level three earthquake hits the area, knocking out power and cracking the delicate infrastructure of the building.

Ilana knows that the clinic staff will get an influx of patients and heads back to help. She also knows to be prepared for aftershocks, which will no doubt cause more damage to the clinic and the surrounding area.

How does Nurse Ilana decide whom to care for first?

When there is a sudden increase in patients, how does staff assess who receives the limited resources?

There is a large aftershock that further damages the clinic itself. Several already-injured patients are hurt and more patients come in shortly after. What are the next steps for Nurse Ilana and the remaining staff?

Can you also add 2 peer responses please (75-100 words)

Requirements: 100-150   |   .doc file

Subject: Nursing

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