Why did you select to pursue a program at University of the Cumberlands instead of other institutions?

Why did you select to pursue a program at University of the Cumberlands instead of other institutions?

As an individual, what are your strengths and weaknesses?
How will these impact you as a doctoral information technology student?

Where do you see the future of Information Technology heading?

How can obtaining a doctorate impact your contribution to the practices of information technology?

Where do you see yourself after obtaining a doctorate from UC?


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Doctorate in Information Technology at University of the Cumberlands

As an individual, my primary strength lies in significant interest in technology, to the extent that I always use every opportunity available to improve my skills in information technology concepts. Consequently, the extensive interest in the concepts has made a significant contribution to my success in the career so far. On the other hand, difficulties working with others on projects have always been a primary weakness in my performance. Over time, I have…………………….

APA 373 words

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