Why do some of the details of the classroom scene depicted by Birkerts seem familiar to you?
Why do some of the details of the classroom scene depicted by Birkerts seem familiar to you?
Read READING #2A on “Rhetoric” about the rhetorical triangle, from Connections pp. 144-48.
Read READING #2B “The Gutenberg Elegies” by Sven Birkerts, from Connections pp. 434-37.
ASSIGNMENT #3: Using an essay format with organized paragraphs, not numbered sections, answer the following questions that involve the rhetorical triangle in 2 pp. typed (double-spaced):
- Why do some of the details of the classroom scene depicted by Birkerts seem familiar to you? In other words, when have you been in a similar classroom situation?
- Although Birkerts initially is writing about the students, they are not this intended audience so who do you think is his intended reader (audience)? Consider from the next question, who might be attracted to his conclusions about this scene?
- As suggested above, what are Birkerts’ main conclusions about society and computers? Include a short quotation on Birkerts’ message (purpose)? Use what is known as a signal phrase/attribution for the quotation like …. As Sven Birkerts concludes, “QUOTATION” (#). Note the page number is placed in parenthesis for the citation and the period is placed after the parentheses. For more details, see “MLA APA Quote” at the end of the Course Docs readings.
- Why do you find it easy or difficult to agree with Birkerts’ conclusions? In other words, why does this writer (speaker) seem convincing to you?
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