Why were Foxconn and Apple so embarrassed by worker suicides?

Why were Foxconn and Apple so embarrassed by worker suicides?

Foxconn. Chapter 17, pg. 537-538

Please answer the following questions

  1. Why were Foxconn and Apple so embarrassed by worker suicides?
  2. Why having designed and produced highly popular products such as iPhones and iPads was not enough?
  3. What else were Foxconn and Apple expected to do?

use the book Peng, Michael (2020), Global Strategy 5th ed., ISBN 978-0-357-51236-4, Cengage Learning to answer the questions. Reference the book and a minimin of 1 paragraph per questions

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Requirements: 3 paragraphs

Subject: Masters Business

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Why were Foxconn and Apple so embarrassed by worker suicides?apa 551 words

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