With regard to money laundering, human tracking, cybercrime, and wildlife trafficking crimes, which of the crimes do you consider to be the greatest threat to the international community and why?
With regard to money laundering, human tracking, cybercrime, and wildlife trafficking crimes, which of the crimes do you consider to be the greatest threat to the international community and why?
- With regard to money laundering, human tracking, cybercrime, and wildlife trafficking crimes, which of the crimes do you consider to be the greatest threat to the international community and why?
Assigned readings:
- Alldridge, P. (2008). Money laundering and globalization. Journal of law and society, 35(4), 437-463.
• Broadhurst, R. (2006). Developments in the global law enforcement of cyber‐crime. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management.
• Jones, L., Engstrom, D. W., Hilliard, T., & Diaz, M. (2007). Globalization and human trafficking. J. Soc. & Soc. Welfare, 34, 107.
• Stohl, R. (2005). Fighting the illicit trafficking of small arms. The SAIS review of international affairs, 25(1), 59-68.
• Winterdyk, J., & Reichel, P. (2010). Introduction to special issue: human trafficking: issues and perspectives. European Journal of Criminology, 7(1), 5-10.
• Zimmerman, M. E. (2003). The black market for wildlife: combating transnational organized crime in the illegal wildlife trade. Vand. J. Transnat’l L., 36, 1657
Requirements: 750
Subject: Masters Law
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