this is the feed back i got and plus i attached her notes in attachment
This is shaping up pretty well. It is organized well and develops smoothly, and I see that you have incorporated some sources to back-up some of your arguments, which is great. There are a few places that need some attention, which I have highlighted and made comments on in the attached document, so be sure to review those comments. (If for some reason they do not show up when you open the document be sure to let me know.)
The main thing that you will need to work on is the counter-argument section. You have done a good job of identifying and presenting a couple of arguments that run counter to your own position, but you have not attempted to refute them. One of the main reasons to bring up counter-arguments is to then show why you think they are wrong or somehow not convincing, so after each of the two counter-arguments that you present you’ll need to articulate what you think is wring or insufficient about them. (Also, as you’ll see in my inserted comments, you should revise the wording of these paragraphs so that it is clear that these are not your arguments, and that they do not represent your perspective.)
Your concluding paragraph should also be revised so that it is clear to the reader what your perspective is, and what it isn’t (i.e., what is the perspective you are arguing against). And when you say, in the last line of the paper, that you think same-sex marriage is immoral, add in a few brief concluding words about why you think so.
Otherwise, before you submit you should be sure to proof-read the whole paper once or twice to make sure everything holds together well, and to identify any grammatical errors or typos you can find. If you can get someone else to read over it, and to let you know if they can find any problems, this would also be good.
preview of the answer..
Traditionally, marriage has always been an important part of people’s relationship. It is viewed by the society as the coming together of a woman and man, the bonding of two individuals who form an emotional support as well as economic wellbeing. This aspect has led to the society viewing the whole marriage institution as something that is holly and pure. However, ..
APA 1256 words