write 150 words abstract and couple of pages method for the paper you did Revision to fi

write 150 words abstract and couple of pages method for the paper you did Revision to fix

You need to identify which type of qualitative research you are conducting. Is it ethnography, for example?

  • Qualitative Research:
  • Phenomenological study: the goal is to fully understand the essence of some phenomenon (e.g., What is essential for students to view teachers as caring?). this is usually accomplished with long, intensive individual interviews.
  • An ethnography: is a description and interpretation of a cultural or social group system (e.g., What is the effect of high-stakes testing on the climate of the school? how has high-stakes testing influenced teacher–principal interaction?). ethnographers spend extensive time in the setting being studied and use observations, interviews, and other analyses to understand the nature of the culture.
  • Grounded theory studies: are conducted to generate or discover a theory or schema that relates to a particular environment (e.g., how do students with learning disabilities adapt to being in regular classrooms?). as in an ethnographic study, many different modes of gathering information are used.
  • Case studies: concern in-depth study of a single or a few programs, events, activities, groups, or other entities defined in terms of time and place (e.g., examining the culture of a particular magnet school). Again, multiple methods of data collection are used, including observations, interviews, and analyses of documents and reports.
  • Critical studies: the focus is on marginalized people, with investigations of injustice and inequity.
  • Narrative inquiries: use “lived stories” of individuals and groups to provide a deep understanding of a phenomenon.
also chose the sampling strategy from the picture attached

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 Does the selection for private high school mean an improved student performance? The society is plagued with the dilemma on what really should constitute formidable considerations in making choices for children entering high schools (Buddin, Cordes & Kirby, 1998). What obtains as a reliable criterion is hugely varied among parents, who are primary decision makers in selection endeavors (Becchetti & Pisani, 2014).  To conclusively answer this pressing …………….

APA 5188 words

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