Write a 2-page paper on the design of the movie A Clockwork Orange directed by Stanley Kubrick

A Clockwork Orange

Write a 2-page paper on the design of the movie A Clockwork Orange directed by Stanley Kubrick https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTpzv5IUa6CzxoCl2hULFmXG7_75w:1579734886229&q=Stanley+Kubrick&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LUz9U3MM1JqchR4gAxzXLzzLXEspOt9NMyc3LBhFVKZlFqckl-0SJW_uCSxLyc1EoF79Kkoszk7B2sjADUYqlrRAAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5lO6Fq5jnAhWHpZ4KHQe3CvAQmxMoATAuegQIGBAL&sxsrf=ACYBGNTpzv5IUa6CzxoCl2hULFmXG7_75w:1579734886229


Analyze the effectiveness of the design in the creation of the environment, characters, effective storytelling, and the mood. How did the aesthetics, style and period of the design elements affect your understanding and enjoyment of the movie? What is the genre and style of the film? How do the color palette and design details contribute to the storytelling and aesthetics? Give examples. Discuss how the visual elements, the performances and production as a whole affected you. Don’t forget to credit the designers! To support your specific points, include illustrations from the film (photos) on page 3.

Paper submission Instructions: Papers must be double-spaced, 12-pt Arial font with standard margins.

Use the document that I attached below

Introduction, production information, Thesis1-title, director, and type of movie
2-Information is clear and correct, well written
3-thesis is clear
Description of design aspects and assessmentDesign and Technical evaluation – Clearly described in detail, evaluation of 1-4 of the design aspects accepted.
A. production design – describe the environment. Was it effective? Who was the designer?
B. Costumes – describe the style of costumes. Did the costumes help you to understand who the characters were?
C-How do the color palette and design details contribute to the storytelling and aesthetics?
D. Information is clear and correct, well written
Evaluation of storytelling, directing, performancesA. Did all aspects of the film communicate the same story, concept, feeling or were some distracting?
B. Were any aspects of the production confusing?
C. Information is clear and correct, well written
Conclusion and opinion on success of designConclusion and Personal opinion (You may discuss any aspect of the film you wish, but give reasons to justify and explain your beliefs and opinions.)
Information is clear and correct, Well reasoned, well written, originality of thesis




here are some information you could use –  file attached

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