– Write a 8 page critique of the “Abraham book”. “The book critique is not just a summary of the book”.

Book Critique

-Book Critique:

– Write a 8 page critique of the “Abraham book”“The book critique is not just a summary of the book”.



– It is more like an evaluation of the book within the context of the course.

– Please be as specific as possible in writing your critique. Use “Examples or Quotations” from the book and other sources to support your writing.

**** IT is Required that you use the following “Outline” for the critique. In fact you may want to use each item as a heading and briefly respond to that heading. This will make it easier.



  1. Title and Author of Book and year of publication
  2. Topic of Book (please be specific)
  3. Purpose of Book
  4. Primary Audience
  5. Brief Summary
  6. Medical Sociology Issues and Concepts Addressed
  7. Contribution to the Course
  8. Contribution to your Learning
  9. Issues of Topics for Further Discussion
  10. Your reaction to the Book.

– The book is attached

Abraham, L.K.(1993).Mama might be better off dead: The failure of health care in urban America.Chicago: The University of Chicago.


Subject:  Masters Social Science

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