Write an essay on Criminal Justice

Write an essay on Criminal Justice

Assignment 1. Watch two crime dramas (e.g., Law and Order), and two local news programs.Criminal Justice assignment. Tabulate the following information: demographics of victims and offenders
(e.g., age, race, economic status), type of offense, graphic depiction of offense, victim
and offender, portrayal of victim and offender (e.g., where they cast in a negative or
positive light, how so?). With regard to the news, in addition to the previous information
also tabulate how much time as devoted to crime stories. After you tabulate that
information, put it in table form and provide a one-to-two page synopsis of your findings
(please be sure to include specific instances to back-up your statements)
This assignment must be typed and submitted electronically in MS Word (.docx) format.

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APA 580 words

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