Write an essay on The American Education System

Write an essay on The American Education System

After reading Anu Partanen’s “Finland’s School Success: What Americans Keep Ignoring” (pp. 999 – 1005), please select THREE of the following questions and provide 150 words per response.English composition I Assignment #2 This will result in a document of 450 total words.
1. According to this essay, what are some of the major differences between how schools
are run in the United States and how they are run in Finland? Identify at least three
differences and explain their significance.
2. What is the answer to the implied question in the title of this essay? What do
Americans keep ignoring about Finland’s school success? Why do you think Americans
have not adopted the Finnish system of education? How would a similar system fare in
the United States?
3. Partanen ends her essay by saying that “the problem facing education in America…[is]
the economic inequality of society…More equity at home might just be what America
needs to be competitive abroad.” Do you agree or disagree with her conclusion? Why or
why not?

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APA 500 words

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