Write an essay on World Trade Center Fire Incident

Write an essay on World Trade Center Fire Incident

The Case Study requires you to access and review an actual fire incident or Line-of- Duty Death (LODD) report and summarize the event using proper citation, identify the major issues associated with the incident and present some potential solutions and recommendations for avoiding similar situations in your department.review an actual fire incident. Please be
sure to carefully read ALL instructions and the grading rubric for this assignment so
that you thoroughly complete the required components of the case study.
 All case studies require the use of APA format including citations and
references for identifying the source of the material applied for supporting
your work and analysis.
 In addition to your text, you must use at least one additional reference
source accessed from the CSU Online Library
 Whenever you quote or paraphrase your reference sources, please make
sure you provide proper citations in order to avoid a poor grade and possible
violation of the CSU Plagiarism Policy.
 Also, please use a Spell and/or Grammar Check function of your word
processing software to ensure proper spelling and grammar before copy and

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APA 889 words

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