Explain how your cultural values and beliefs may have influenced how you interpreted the focus group data

Analyzing Focus Group Findings

Submit a 3-4-page report of the following:

Your report must include the information listed below. Use the format beneath this list.

  • Place your table at the top of the page.
  • Identify three themes from the table that you find to be most prominent due to being mentioned most often.You will use them in Question 4. (1 sentence)
  • Take each identified prominent theme from question 2 and write a brief paragraph for each theme, answering the following questions in a separate paragraph for each theme.Each paragraph should address all the questions in 6 or fewer concise, clear, informative sentences.
    • What appears to be the main perspective of the different stakeholder groups who discussed this theme?(Look at your table and see whom you checked as discussing the theme).
    • Are the stakeholders in agreement, seeing the problem in the same manner with the same causes? If stakeholders are not in agreement, what is the likely cause of the difference, if indicated in the transcript? If they are not in agreement and there is no explanation in the transcript, use the following article to propose a possible cause for the difference, particularly the discussion and tables from page 114-117 of Asian Americans’ Reports of Their Health Care Experiences: Results of a National Study It can be retrieved from the Walden library or here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1492145/
  • Describe what you might do as the social worker-researcher to ensure your understanding of the views of the stakeholders, including the physicians, nurses, chaplains, and social workers, being careful to represent each group equally (no bias in favor of social workers, in other words) . (3-4 sentences). Support your ideas with references from assigned readings and/or additional scholarly literature.
  • Reflect on your own cultural background by answering the next two questions
    • Explain how your cultural values and beliefs may have influenced how you interpreted the focus group data (1-2 sentences).
    • What specific cultural knowledge do you think you may need to conduct culturally responsive research with physicians, nurses, chaplains, and other social workers working a specific marginalized community?The community may be any ethnic group, religious minority, closed professional group such as clergy, military, incarcerated individuals, and law enforcement, or any extreme social economic group such as the homeless or highly affluent or powerful figures, (2 sentences). Recall that each group of stakeholders has its own culture with its values, perspectives on health care services and delivery, and expectations (including their views on social workers!)

THEME 1 (maximum 6 sentences to address both a & b that are clear and to the point).

THEME 2: Answer the same questions (a & b) found under THEME 1.(Maximum 6 sentences)

THEME 3: Answer the same questions (a & b) found under THEME 1.(Maximum 6 sentences)

  1. Select one of the themes you chose above; make the following specific recommendations.
    1. Name the theme. (1 sentence)
    2. Describe two social work recommendations to address the barrier or issue described in the theme you chose. Explain how the recommendations you propose will reduce obstacles posed by the barrier and may increase use of the mental health services by the Asian community in Walden Heights and/or improve the services delivered.(3 sentences).
  • Think about whether any of the recommendations would have negative consequences for another stakeholder group or discourage bridge-building between Western medical professionals and members of the Asian community.


FORMAT. Use this general organization but modify the sentences to fit your descriptions.

Please do not use a title page. Place your name and page number in the upper margin.

The three themes that I found to be most prominent in the transcript are ____, ____, and ____.

  • Theme 1:
  • Theme 2:
  • Theme 3:
  • The theme I would choose for making recommendations is ____ {write it out; don’t state “Theme 2” for example]. (1 sentence)
    • Two social work recommendations I would make to address the issue of [selected theme _____] are _____ and _____. Based on a study by ____, these recommendations could be expected to improve the issue of [selected theme] by ______. (3 sentences; provide a solid rationale from one or more research articles).
    • These recommendations [may/ are not expected to] cause [negative effect – more work, more time, staffing issues, etc.] for [affected stakeholder group]. I would mitigate these negative effects by _____ (3 sentences).
  • Self-reflection
    • My cultural values and beliefs regarding _____ are _____. These may have influenced how I interpreted the focus group data from [stakeholder group(s)).(1-2 sentences).
    • To ensure that I was conducting culturally responsive social work research with each of the stakeholder groups among health service providers (doctors, nurses, chaplains, social workers). I would ______ (2 sentences).

The stakeholders who discussed this theme are ____.The perspective of [stakeholder] was ____ which [agreed/disagreed] with [different stakeholder name] who stated _____ and [different stakeholder (if any) whose position was _____] . According to [article] possible reasons for these differences _____.(Maximum: 6 sentences)

The stakeholders who discussed this theme are ____.The perspective of [stakeholder] was ____ which [agreed/disagreed] with [different stakeholder name] who stated _____ and [different stakeholder (if any) whose position was _____] . According to [article] possible reasons for these differences _____. (Maximum: 6 sentences)

The stakeholders who discussed this theme are ____.The perspective of [stakeholder] was ____ which [agreed/disagreed] with [different stakeholder name] who stated _____ and [different stakeholder (if any) whose position was _____] . According to [article] possible reasons for these differences _____. (Maximum: 6 sentences)

If I were the social worker-researcher in this situation, I would do ____to ensure my understanding of the views of the stakeholders, including the physicians, nurses, social workers, and chaplains (Provide a rich, detailed description), citing at least one scholarly source, such as a research article ) which states “___________” (pp. ___).(Maximum: 3-4sentences).


Subject: Social Science

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