Impact of Interruptions and Disruptions in Perioperative Practice
Impact of Interruptions and Disruptions in Perioperative Practice
i need to do medical assignment regarding to operations rooms. my topicis is : The Impact of Interruptions on perioperative practice
I need 2000 words in arranged assignment (so please please please without copy paste or any kind of it because I don’t want simularity or plagirsm or unfair practice ). I my assignment with different references , with print screen .and harferd style and appendix . as well if I got good marks in this assignment I will do my remains assignment with last dissertation that 10000 words with same tutor.
I need assignment structure as attachment files below ,and I have attached one example as well please read it:
1-Introduction:100 words include : general difination then main problem then specific problem then the aim that I had chosen
(The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of the interruptions and distraction in anaesthesia practice toward the patient safety)
Main body:1300 ( as well regading to 3 or 4 problems like bad behaviour ,noise and monitors etc) :
The final structure of assignment should be as the form:1. Clear identification of topic/issue in healthcare practice with appropriate justification for choice. Introduction. Approx 100 words.
The written work should include a general background section introducing the topic or issue selected. This could be the history behind the topic (don’t go back too far in time!); it could be the cultural setting of the topic; the political, economic or a current development.
A clear rationale for the topic choice must be provided with appropriate links made to relevant literature, evidence, policy or guidelines.
2. Describe the method(s) taken to source the evidence usedinclud
The written work should include a brief description of the literature search strategy used to obtain the literature and/or evidence. Databases, keywords, search specific criteria including limitations and numbers of hits and method of identifying key literature should be recorded.
The summary table should be included as an appendix at the end of the text and reference list and include a collation of the key search strategy employed for the assignment to enable replication.
3. Analyse the evidence gathered, indicating where there is debate around the topic and the relevance and implications to the clinical area. Approx 1300 words.
The written work should utilise a logical, systematic approach to the examination of the evidence, clearly demonstrating the ability to question, compare and contrast information presented.
Accuracy of information within the written work is very important, must be appropriate to the topic of choice and supported with credible sources of literature.
Critical analysis (as in a questioning approach) of the evidence and discussion of the findings should be clearly shown throughout the work. Evaluation of the sources and your findings may be shown through development of rational and sound points and through appraisal of multiple sources within the work.
Comprehensive understanding of the evidence should be demonstrated throughout; employing an enquiring and analytical approach will indicate the ability to study at degree level.
4. Conclusion. Approx 100 words.
Summary paragraph/s representing the main conclusions and key points obtained from the literature should be explicitly identifiable in the written work. The key findings should be examined and consideration given to the integration into clinical workplace. Only reference referred to in the main body of your work should be used here.
Consideration of sources in isolation with minimal or no comparison and evaluation of the relevance of the evidence and/or description of information will only gain minimal marks
Presentation and referencing
Marks will be awarded for written work that is neatly and accurately presented, in-line with Cardiff University guidance. Written work should demonstrate attention to detail and should be grammatically correct with no spelling, syntax or vocabulary errors.
Marks will be gained in this section for consistent, accurate and appropriate referencing which should be compiled and submitted in a list format at the end of the assignment. Adherence to the guidelines for Harvard referencing must be demonstrated in the written work and the end list.
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APA 2603 words