Focus on the following for this assignment: How has it evolved throughout the last 100 years?

Reverse Logistics in Practice

400-600 Words

APA Format with 2 references with in text citations

Researching articles and journals helps to provide a historical overview of the product return.

Focus on the following for this assignment:

  • How has it evolved throughout the last 100 years?
  • Summarize where you see the return heading in the next 20 years.


Answer Preview……………..

Reverse logistics is a set of activities and operations that are conducted after the sale of a product to the end consumer. The aim of reverse logistics is to recapture the value of a product at the end of its life cycle. The process typically involves returning the used product to the producer or manufacturer. It may also refer to returning the product to the producer for servicing, recycling or refurbishing. Reverse logistics has evolved in many ways throughout the last one……………………

APA 628 words


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