Write an essay on Role of Technology in Enhancing National Security

Write an essay on Role of Technology in Enhancing National Security

I have the class tomorrow but was wondering, if you are able to have a rough draft maybe 5 pages by tomorrow if i sent you the invitation. Research paper. Outline with sources and arguments, main points, and
connections. The full assignment is located below. what do you think is good topic that uses IOs,
things about security , civil society within development, national and global security regime, role of
technology within security?
Has to be apa format, with page number of resource. Any direct quote or idea needs to be given
credit, even if its paraphrased.

My question is for the final paper, where i have to use all of the reading material and outside
scholars resource. This longer paper is to be an analysis of a researched current crisis or conflict. It
can be a political, economic or social conflict/crisis either within any country in the region, or
between countries. Your paper should be around 10 pages (double-spaced), and there should be at
least 10 sources used. The sources should be a mixture of media, government, academic journals,
and books, and international organizations. Do not use Wikipedia as a source – go to the original
sources. The paper must have all facts, ideas not from the author, and direct quotes of sentences
and phrases cited within the text, as well as have a list of sources at the end, following the APA style
The paper should have a title that indicates or hints at the central problem or thesis, and must cover
the following points: background to the problem or thesis – this would include history, going only as
far back as necessary to explain the current issue the main perspectives, sides, including scholarly
research application of a theory, policy approach, framework, etc. from the development literature, or
other stream of academic literature, that seems relevant to the issue (and if you are in program other
than GTD, please feel free to explore and use concepts from you discipline) a strong conclusion in
which the author provides an analysis(not opinion!) of the issue and the role of international
institutions within it.The ideas presented in the reading thus far needs to be shown, understood and
analyzed. This includes all the articles, I’ve sent you thus far.

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APA 1985 words

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