Disaster and Vulnerabilities

Disaster and Vulnerabilities

Social and economic vulnerabilities can affect the hazard risk of individuals and of communities.  Vulnerability causes differences in the effect a disaster has on those who are exposed to a particular hazard.  Choose one of the hazards described in this chapter, and explain how the social or economic vulnerabilities that exist among a particular vulnerable group in your community (e.g., the elderly, the young, the disabled) affect how this particular hazard might affect them.  For instance, the elderly may be more vulnerable to a flood given their reliance on caregivers who may be unable to reach their house if transportation routes are blocked.   Indicate in your answer the following:

  • The hazard
  • The vulnerable group
  • Three or more special vulnerabilities that affect the way this group is impacted by this hazard, and what that impact would likely be

Submit your results in a 1-2 page Word document, Times New Roman, 12 point font.

Answer preview………………

A disaster threat not only reflects hazards such as floods and hurricanes, but also the changing socioeconomic dispositions of the population at risk. For instance, when fire breaks out in a building, it poses a huge risk for the disabled people because they can be unable to move fast and escape. While the fire may start out slowly giving room for people to escape, but the disabled people, due to their socioeconomic status may be at a greater risk of harm before, during, and after the fire outbreak. Disabled people are the most affected during disaster because………..

APA 336 words

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